Meet the Statistical Learning Laboratory Team

Head & Principal Investigator

Paulo Canas Rodrigues

Paulo Canas Rodrigues

Head & Principal Investigator

Professor of the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia; President of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics; President-Elect of the International Association for Statistical Computing; Vice-Coordinator of the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data; Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Statistical Association; Co-Editor for: Computational Statistics, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, Biometrical Letters, Brazilian Journal of Biometrics.

Research Topics Coordinators

Arthur Rios de Azevedo

Arthur Rios de Azevedo

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

MSc Student in Mathematics at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His research interests include business intelligence, statistical learning, and sports analytics.

Crysttian Paixão

Crysttian Paixão

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His research interests include mathematical and computational modeling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and text mining.

João Vítor Rocha da Silva

João Vítor Rocha da Silva

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

MSc Student in Mathematics at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Lead Data Scientist at VX CASE. Passionate about learning. Main research topics include: Sports Analytics, Time Series Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms.

Jonatha Pimentel

Jonatha Pimentel

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

PhD candidate in Statistics at UFPE. His research interests include Statistical Learning, Computational Methods, and Data Visualization.

Javier Linkolk López

Javier Linkolk López

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

Professor and Researcher at the Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru. His main research interests include pattern recognition in Machine Learning, Air Pollution with Deep Learning techniques, and Time Series with SSA.

Nayguel Costa

Nayguel Costa

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

MSc in Mathematics at the Federal University of Bahia and Geophysicist at Petrobras, Brazil. His main research interests are geosciences, machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks.

Olawale Awe

Olawale Awe

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

Statistics Professor and data scientist specializing in ML, econometrics, and time series analysis. VP of Global Statistical Engagement at LISA 2020 Global Network USA, founded ADA Global Academy, and VP of IASE (2023-2025). His vision is to foster statistical education and computing globally.

Rodrigo Bulhões

Rodrigo Bulhões

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

Professor at the Department of Statistics of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His research interests are within statistics and data science in a Bayesian perspective, with expertise in spatio-temporal models and latent variables analysis.

Vanda Lourenço

Vanda Lourenço

Research Coordinator & Team Leader

Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. Her main research interests are statistical genetics, robust statistics, and genetic association studies.

Collaborators & Affiliate Members

Carlo Solci

Carlo Corrêa Solci

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

PhD in Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil. His research interests include time series analysis and forecasting, bootstrap, robust statistics, and data imputation in the context of time-dependent data.

Florêncio Mendes Oliveira Filho

Florêncio M. Oliveira Filho

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Professor at Senai Cimatec University Center, Salvador, Brazil. His research interests are in complex systems in the following topics: time series analysis, computational mathematics, and electrophysiological signals.

Mauricio Santana Lordelo

Mauricio Santana Lordelo

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

BSc in Statistics at Federal University of Bahia, MSc in Statistics at Federal University of Pernambuco and PhD in Sciences at University of São Paulo (ESAQLQ/USP). Professor at Department of Exact Sciences of State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS).

Mohammad Kazemi

Mohammad Kazemi

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Assistant professor of the Department of Statistics, University of Guilan, Iran. His research interests include ultrahigh dimensional data analysis, machine learning, variable selection, data mining, singular spectrum analysis, and robust Statistics.

Naushad Mamode Khan

Naushad Mamode Khan

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Associate Professor in Statistics, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Mauritius. Research interests include Integer-valued Time series modelling, Spatial Modelling, Statistical computing, Distribution Theory, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Multivariate Analysis.

Rahim Mahmoudvand

Rahim Mahmoudvand

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Associate professor of Statistics at the Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran. PhD in Statistics, and MSc in Actuarial Science. His research interests are in both statistics and actuarial sciences.

Valdério Reisen

Valdério Anselmo Reisen

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Professor, researcher, and mentor at several national and international institutions, including the CentraleSupeléc, France. His research interests include time series, robustness, bootstrap, spatial-temporal models, and multivariate analysis.

Vanessa Barros de Oliveira

Vanessa Barros de Oliveira

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. With a background in pure mathematics, she has publications in dynamical systems and partial differential equations. Currently, her interests lie in applied research, including regression models, statistical analysis, time series, data science, and machine learning.

Winita Sulandari

Winita Sulandari

Collaborator & Affiliate Member

Assistant professor in the Statistics Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia. Her research interests are time series analysis and forecasting for high-frequency data with complex patterns, focusing on singular spectrum analysis, fuzzy time series, and neural networks.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Sunecher Yuvraj

Sunecher Yuvraj

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD in Statistics, Senior Lecturer of Finance and Statistics at University of Technology Mauritius. Member of the Board of Editors of the Science Journal of Applied Mathematics, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics and Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.

Zeinab Jannoo

Zeinab Jannoo

Postdoctoral Researcher

Senior lecturer in Statistics at the University of Mauritius. Taught statistical modelling techniques to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has received her Ph.D in Statistics from the University of Technology MARA, Malaysia, and her research interests span on both biostatistics and psychometrics.


Ana Carolina Andrade

Ana Carolina Andrade

Undergraduate Student

Undergraduate student in Statistics at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Interested in Data Processing and Analysis, Forecasting, Data Visualization, and Data Modeling.

Ana Caroline Pinheiro da Cruz

Ana Caroline Pinheiro da Cruz


BSc Student in Statistics at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Interested in Time Series Forecasting, Analysis, and Hierarchical Time Series.

Augusto Perin

Augusto Perin

Undergraduate Student

DevOps and Solutions Architect. Daily developing solutions and optimizations for data problems, databases, and infrastructure in the context of cloud computing.

Armand Diffo Dsonwa

Armand Diffo Dsonwa

MSc Student

MSc student in Data Science at the AIMS, Cameroon. Experience in Fundamental physics focusing on Energizing physics. Interests: Time Series Analysis Forecasting, Robust hybrid Models for Time Series, Machine Learning, Data Science.

Beatriz Lopes

Beatriz Lopes

BSc Student

BSc Student in Statistics at the Federal University of Bahia. Her research interests are spatial and temporal data visualization and modeling, with application to lightning strikes.

Carlos André Silva

Carlos André Silva

MSc Student

He holds a degree in Statistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2010) and a lato sensu postgraduate degree in Statistics and Probability from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), working mainly on the following topics: robust estimation, linear regression and outliers.

Carlos Senra

Carlos Senra

Undergraduate Student

Statistics student, Data Scientist at VX Case. Research interests are Artificial Intelligence and Time Series.

Kim Leone Silva

Diego Souza

MSc Student

MSc student in Mathematics and the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and Statistician. His research interests include computational statistics, statistical learning, and Bayesian inference.

Gustavo Lubarino

Gustavo Lubarino

Undergraduate Student

Geography student at UFBA (Federal University of Bahia). Studied Social Work at UNIFACS (University of Salvador) from 2016 to 2019 and works at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Currently conducting data science research applied to environmental science.

Jackson Munyao

Jackson Munyao

MSc Student

MSc Student in Data Science ai the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Cameroon). His research interests are Time series Analysis, Hierarchical Time Series and Machine Learning with a goal to contribute to the field of Statistics.

Kim Leone Silva

Kim Leone Silva

MSc Student

MSc student in Mathematics at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His research interests include time series analysis and forecasting, recurrent neural networks, and text mining.

Loic Kouokam

Loic Kouokam

MSc in Data Science

MSc Student in Physics of Life in Technical University of Dresden, Germany. His research interests include time series analysis and forecasting, machine learning, climate science and robotic.

Marcelo Fonseca

Marcelo Fonseca

BSc Student

BSc student in Statistics at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His research interests include statistical learning, machine learning and statistical genetics.


Maria Andreina Oliveira Moreira

BSc Student

BSc Student in Statistics at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Interested in Time Series Forecasting and Analysis and biostatistics.

Nguinabe Josue

Nguinabe Josue

MSc in Data Science

MSc student at the African Master’s in Machine Intelligence, AIMS Senegal. His research interests are Time Series Analysis and forecasting, Hierarchical Time Series, Deep Learning, and Forensic Investigation of Documents.

Rafael Araújo

Rafael Araújo

BSc Student

BSc student in Statistics at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His research interests include supervised learning, classification, and Bayesian classification.

Rommel Tchinda

Rommel Tchinda

MSc Student

He holds a MSc degree in Electronics, Electrotechnics, and Automation. Currently, he is pursuing an MSc in Data Science at the AIMS Cameroon. His main areas of interest are Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Deep Learning, and Bayesian Statistics.

Steve Takouan Tchounga

Steve Takouan Tchounga

PhD in Data Science

PhD Student at The University of Freiburg, Germany. Experience in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, focusing on Electrical Engineering. Interests: Time Series Analysis Forecasting, Hierarchical Time Series, Deep Learning, and Computer-Aided Design.

Tecla Kyalo

Tecla Kyalo

MSc Student

MSc Student in Mathematical Sciences, Data Science stream, at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cameroon. Interested in Applied Statistics, Analysis, and Data Science (Machine Learning).

Alumni & Former Members

Camila Braz - Statistician at SEI BAHIA

Everton Costa - PhD student at the Federal University of Pernambuco

Inês Gomes Mota - PhD Candidate

Isaac de Oliveira - BSc student at the Federal University of Bahia

Marla Lorrani - BSc student at the Federal University of Bahia

Patrick Messala - BSc, Statistician and Data Scientist

Renan Bispo - BSc, Statistician and Data Scientist

Tatiana Assis - PhD, Statistician and Data Scientist

Victor Barreto - MSc Student at the University of São Paulo