Head & Principal Investigator
Professor of the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia; President of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics; President-Elect of the International Association for Statistical Computing; Vice-Coordinator of the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data; Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Statistical Association; Co-Editor for: Computational Statistics, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, Biometrical Letters, Brazilian Journal of Biometrics.
Research Coordinator & Team Leader
MSc Student in Mathematics at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Lead Data Scientist at PRODEB. Passionate about learning. Main research topics include: Sports Analytics, Time Series Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms.
Research Coordinator & Team Leader
Statistics Professor and data scientist specializing in ML, econometrics, and time series analysis. VP of Global Statistical Engagement at LISA 2020 Global Network USA, founded ADA Global Academy, and VP of IASE (2023-2025). His vision is to foster statistical education and computing globally.
Collaborator & Affiliate Member
BSc in Statistics at Federal University of Bahia, MSc in Statistics at Federal University of Pernambuco and PhD in Sciences at University of São Paulo (ESAQLQ/USP). Professor at Department of Exact Sciences of State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS).
Collaborator & Affiliate Member
Associate Professor in Statistics, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Mauritius. Research interests include Integer-valued Time series modelling, Spatial Modelling, Statistical computing, Distribution Theory, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Multivariate Analysis.
Collaborator & Affiliate Member
Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Professor, researcher, and mentor at several national and international institutions, including the CentraleSupeléc, France. His research interests include time series, robustness, bootstrap, spatial-temporal models, and multivariate analysis.
Collaborator & Affiliate Member
Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. With a background in pure mathematics, she has publications in dynamical systems and partial differential equations. Currently, her interests lie in applied research, including regression models, statistical analysis, time series, data science, and machine learning.
Collaborator & Affiliate Member
Assistant professor in the Statistics Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia. Her research interests are time series analysis and forecasting for high-frequency data with complex patterns, focusing on singular spectrum analysis, fuzzy time series, and neural networks.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Senior lecturer in Statistics at the University of Mauritius. Taught statistical modelling techniques to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has received her Ph.D in Statistics from the University of Technology MARA, Malaysia, and her research interests span on both biostatistics and psychometrics.
MSc Student
He holds a degree in Statistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2010) and a lato sensu postgraduate degree in Statistics and Probability from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), working mainly on the following topics: robust estimation, linear regression and outliers.
Undergraduate Student
Geography student at UFBA (Federal University of Bahia). Studied Social Work at UNIFACS (University of Salvador) from 2016 to 2019 and works at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Currently conducting data science research applied to environmental science.
Camila Braz
- Statistician at SEI BAHIA
Everton Costa
- PhD student at the Federal University of Pernambuco
Inês Gomes Mota
- PhD Candidate
Isaac de Oliveira
- BSc student at the Federal University of Bahia
Marcelo Fonseca
- MSc student at the Federal University of Bahia
Marla Lorrani
- BSc student at the Federal University of Bahia
Patrick Messala
- BSc, Statistician and Data Scientist
Renan Bispo
- BSc, Statistician and Data Scientist